This is my Page of Dumb Stuff that Happens to Me!

    OK, so we have established that I have a lot of dumb stuff happening to me at any given time... and I am sure my friends get sick of the long-winded e-mails and account-crashing photos I frequently send about such 'dumb' things. Heh. Well, next time something dumb happens, I will just tell you to come here and see rather than rush through an incoherent e-mail on the matter.

Those of you here to see the car wreck, scroll down already.

This is me. I like cars. Apparently, a lot. I really liked my car, which I paid for in cash and had only owned for 2 1/2 months before I wrecked it in the snow over Christmas vacation. Oh, the joy. Oh, the elation. And I'm still paying insurance on the thing! Here's this pictures of that business:


This is Troy telling me to save the windshield wipers.
This is my parking sticker mystically holding my windshield together.


This is the view from the back seat.

I give this a dumbness rating of 12 or so on a scale of 1 to 5.

Ummm... E-MAIL ME!! Especially if you are someone I know who has dumb stuff happening to them too! Cause then I'll change the page to "The Page of Dumb Stuff that Happens to Me & People I Know" and I'll post your story too so that your friends can see it as well. This page is a model of stupidity. But of efficiency, too! Remeber that!